A New Founder Struggles with Motivation: A Case Study

Often, we notice our “motivation" dipping after we’ve already founded a business.

It can take us by surprise because we think the hardest part is the first steps, doing the work to start the business in the first place. After that, we may expect smooth(er) sailing.

lost motivation

Image credit: Photo by christopher lemercier on Unsplash

I discovered a new founder in one of my Reddit communities who was seeking help for exactly this challenge. His business was off to a good start with some contracts won.

This founder wrote that he had good discipline when it came to fitness, dieting, waking up at 5am, but now that his business has to deliver on the contracts it won, he’s lost motivation.

He went on to describe the following issues:

  • Throwing himself into his work for extremely long days

  • Working through weekends

  • Fears if his income grows his friends and family will become jealous of him

  • He wants to be self-motivated again

  • He wonders if “just forcing himself to do it” is the answer…but he doesn’t want to

Despite all of this, he has what the pop-psychology books and gurus tell you to have first: Your “Why”.

He said his “Why” is to create a great life for his wife and children and to help the rest of his family.

So he has his “why”, his purpose set, but still realizes his motivation has dipped so low that he won’t be able to keep going if he doesn’t change how he feels.

My Advice

First, thanks for sharing your struggle. Showing this level of vulnerability took courage, so be proud of yourself for that.

My thoughts:

  • You have an opportunity to work on your mindset and limiting beliefs

  • You have an opportunity to start some positive daily habits so that you don't have to rely on motivation, willpower, or even discipline

  • You have an opportunity to consider hiring an accountability partner

  • You have an opportunity to bring some balance and moderation into your life

I've been running 6 small businesses simultaneously since 2015, published 300 articles, and wrote two kindle books.

I'm not some Marvel Super Hero. This isn't a boast but instead just letting you know that if I can do it you can do it. Here's what has helped me:

On Mindset

  • There are plenty of free mindset youtube videos and podcasts you can listen to daily to start removing your limiting beliefs.

    • Examples you gave of beliefs that are limiting you:

      • "a part of me fears if my income becomes too great things will change and jealousy etc will creep in."

      • My response: The fact that you are afraid of your income becoming too great is a big red flag. You are telling the universe to keep money from finding you. My advice is to change your thoughts and your language about this as soon as possible.

      • And other peoples' jealousy about your income is not your problem to own. Let it go. At the very least, you will discover who your true friends are. You should be surrounding yourself with people who want the best for you, not with people who want to keep you down at their level like a ball and chain tied to your ankle.

    • Mindset teachers I recommend you find on YT and Podcasts:

      • Vishen Lakhiani

      • Marisa Peer

      • Jeffrey Allen

    • I recommend YT videos and Podcasts because you can digest their messages faster and with more engagement. In general, books are filled with too much fluff because publishers need a certain amount of pages to publish a book. I love reading, but if you want to remember what you've learned, learn it quickly in an engaging way, and then put what you've learned into practice, I think videos and podcasts are more effective.

On discipline, motivation, and willpower

Those are like gasoline in your car. There's only so much, and if you keep using it, you WILL run out.

The secret high achievers have discovered is to take those out of play. Yes, they are great "turbo boosts" when you have them, but build small habits and systems that you can do automatically with very little effort every day that will move you toward your milestones and goals.

That's how it's done.

On Accountability

This is the piece so many people overlook. Studies have shown that an accountability partner increases goal attainment by 75%.

Here's the thing: The few who do choose an accountability partner usually choose a friend or family member, and they ask them to do it for them for free.

The problem is, your friends and family have their own priorities, jobs, demands from kids/spouse/boss/customers, etc. While they will probably agree to help you, after a few weeks you'll notice that the quality of their help is worth every cent you're paying for it. Zero.

The trick here is to hire someone who is incentivized to keep you on track like it's their job. Because it is.

On Balance and Moderation

You mentioned you have some very long days, manic working spells, and worked through your weekends. Well, you burnt yourself out.

High achievers learn that you can become more productive when you take the breaks you need to restore your energy.

Take time to ground yourself with some breathing and meditation. Marisa Peer does some great hypnotherapy meditations. Jeffrey Allen's are very good for visualization and grounding.

Take 20 minutes a day to do this and it will help. I do it after lunch because my energy levels are highest in the morning. That's naturally my most productive time so that's when I use it to optimize what I get done every day.

Then I habit stack meditation with my lunch break.

There's also something to be said for "letting things come to you in due time." You can't force everything.

So those are my comments to have you consider a more balanced daily style.

One last thing I do that works for me: I don't use To-Do lists. Instead, I schedule what I have to do directly into my calendar.

I hope you find some things in here that you can put to good use.

Again, I wasn't listing my accomplishments to boast, but rather to let you know what I juggle and how I've learned to do it. If you would like to learn more about my past experiences in business, make sure to check out my about page.

Best wishes to you.


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